Bernardo Safady Kaiuca
Bernardo Kaiuca is founding partner of the firm, with almost 20 years’ experience in tax and customs, litigation, and mergers and acquisitions, with proven experience in the real estate, life science (health), and civil engineering industries.
Member of the Legal Board of CNS (Brazilian Health Confederation), Legal Coordinator of FEHERJ (Federation of Hospitals and Health Service Establishments of the State of Rio de Janeiro), and Legal Counsel of AHCRJ (Association of Hospitals and Clinics of Rio de Janeiro). Member of AHLA (American Health Lawyers Association). Member of the Sanitary and Health Law Commission of OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro section) from 2013 to 2015.
Bachelor’s degree in Law from UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University).
Idiomas: • Portuguese • English