Victor Soares
Lawyer with more than ten years’ experience in tax, with emphasis on mergers and acquisitions. He has extensive experience in the health sector, with participation in major acquisition operations and management of post-acquisition matters. He was in charge of portfolio management of tax lawsuits of Brazilian and multinational companies, having also been involved in strategic decisions regarding new assets and implementation of tax strategies.
Associated with ABDF (Brazilian Association of Financial Law), he is also a member of the Special Commission for the Defense of Taxpayers and Tax Policy of OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro section).
Bachelor’s degree in Law from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro); Executive MBA student in Finance: Investment and Risk at FGV/RJ (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro); incomplete study in the Computer Science program at USP (University of São Paulo).
Idiomas: • Portuguese • English