Marcus Lívio
Marcus Lívio is one of Brazil’s leading specialists in Tax Law and Tax Procedural Law.
With an international background, he holds a Ph.D. and Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, and is a Postdoctoral student at IALS (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies), University of London.
He has also been an associate professor in the undergraduate and graduate programs of Tax Law at UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University) since 2013 and an associate researcher at the University of London since 2018. He was the coordinator of the Diagnosis of Brazilian Tax Judicial Litigation, a CNJ (National Council of Justice) initiative, with support from Insper (Institute of Education and Research).
Former Coordinator and Professor of the Tax Law Commission of the State School of Justice of the Court of Appeals of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the Assessment, Selection, and Monitoring Commission of CARF (Administrative Court of Federal Finance). Member of the Executive and Associate Committee of ILADT (Latin American Institute of Tax Law).
Bachelor’s degree in Law from UFMA (Federal University of Maranhão); Master and Doctorate in Tax Law from UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Spain).
Idiomas: • Portuguese • English