Public and Regulatory Law

Public and Regulatory Law

The activities performed by public bodies and entities have always had an impact on different economic activities and on the functioning of society itself.

In recent decades, the reform process of the Brazilian State has changed the paradigms of the government's role and its relationship with individuals. The creation of bodies such as Regulatory Agencies, the growth of instruments such as public concessions and public-private partnerships, combined with the increase in the participation of Social Organizations and other civil society organizations in public management, require a new reflection and the construction of a differentiated action against to the public power. Furthermore, a series of recent legislative changes implied relevant changes in legal frameworks, such as rail transport, basic sanitation and natural gas, imposing new dynamics on the respective markets. Such considerations permeate the work of our Public and Regulatory Law team, which competently handles such processes.

In this context, we provide specialized legal services in all areas of Public and Regulatory Law, including administrative and regulatory acts, public service, public servants, public domain, intervention in property in the economic domain, civil and administrative liability, administrative improbity, administrative proceedings and bids, offering legal advice prior to participating in bids and all other forms of public selection.

We provide advice and litigation in the administrative sphere before public bodies, autarchies, foundations and state-owned companies, in addition to control bodies, and in the defense of public and private agents in processes that are processed in the Courts of Accounts and procedures with the Public Ministry, in addition to of, when necessary, the legal sponsorship of the client's interests.