Luis Felipe Salomão
Luis Felipe has vast experience in highly complex litigation. Took part, at the managerial level, in the submarine construction project for the Brazilian Navy, specifically in the PROSUB project, managing the construction of four conventional submarines and one Nuclear one for eight years.
Listed among the best Maritime Law professionals by the Leaders League ranking in the 2023 and 2024 editions, and among the best in the area of Restructuring and Insolvency in 2024. In The Legal500 he is listed, as a partner of Salomão, Kaiuca, Abrahão, Raposo and Cotta, in the Firms to Wacht in Shipping category.
Responsible for the management of ESC (Construction Shipyard), located in Ilha da Madeira – Itaguaí, with direct involvement in the France-Brazil technology transfer process.
Member of the National Commission for Constitutional Studies; representative of OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) in the Working Group of the National Council of the Public Prosecution Office for court-supervised reorganization and bankruptcy; member of CAMES (Chamber of Mediation and Specialized Arbitration) and Attorney General of OAB/RJ.
Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universidade Estácio de Sá; Bachelor’s degree in Naval and Ocean Engineering from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro); MBA in Project Management from FGV/RJ (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro); Master’s degree in Procedural Law from UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University).
Idiomas: • Portuguese • English • Spanish