ANVISA creates new boarding rules amid COVID-19 crisis
On November 3, 2022, ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) Board Resolution (RDC) No. 759/2022 was published, which provides for health measures for operating and for boarding and disembarking of crew members on cargo, port supply, and offshore supply vessels and platforms in Brazilian jurisdictional waters.
The Resolution revokes RDC No. 584/2021, dated December 8, 2021, as well as RDC No. 605/2022, dated February 11, 2022, all of them targeted at imposing measures for containment and controlling infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus on board of vessels and platforms.
The new resolution was necessary to adapt such measures to the current scenario of the pandemic, given the reduction in cases and deaths caused by COVID-19 in comparison to the previous period.
The changes for easing COVID‐19‐related restrictions include the exemption of proof of vaccination or negative test for non-crew professionals, visitors, intervening authorities, and other people who board the vessel for a period of up to six hours, provided that they do not show symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and wear surgical or PFF2/N95 masks during their stay.
As regards the crew, they must present proof vaccination against COVID-19 (including booster shot) when boarding or a SARS-CoV-2 negative test dated up to one day before boarding. Self-tests will not be accepted. Both Brazilian or foreign crew members of international origin need to comply with these requirements to enter the country.
It is to be noted that the resolution states that crew members on board with influenza-like signs and symptoms must be immediately isolated and tested as soon as possible. Isolation may take place on board of the vessel or at a designated onshore location.
Provisions on quarantine guidelines, monitoring of close contacts on vessels, management of outbreak situations, and crew changes were also introduced.
In case of confirmed COVID-19 cases, the person in charge of the vessel should report it to ANVISA.
RDC No. 759/2022 can be read in full here. For further information on the subject, please contact